Bridal Showers are becoming huge events – almost as important as the wedding themselves. A lot of couples are doing joint “wedding showers” and inviting the same people as they would the wedding. We have been doing our custom MUSICAL invitations for bridal showers (and baby showers) lately. We can even record a custom song just for that couple using their names in the song. When the guests receive the elegant box in the mail, it looks like a gift to them (and a wonderful memento) and when they open it, the song (or the couple’s message) serenades them. The box can even hold instructions or clues to the games that will be played at the event. I think that is a very unique way to kick off the bridal shower.
Some creative Bridal Shower Ideas:
If all gals, find a place that serves afternoon tea for the shower OR create your own afternoon tea party by setting up tables of 4-6 and using mismatched china. You can even rent this china from many vendors such as A Chair Affair in Central Florida. Serve some finger sandwiches and little desserts (all available easily at Costco or BJ’s) and it can be an elegant event. Ask the guests to wear hats and offer prizes to the best hat! And you can build on this theme by wrapping up different tea bags in an organza bag, add a tag with the couples name and wedding date on it and giving it guests as they leave.
- Do a scavenger hunt as a game – have things the couple want hidden and then assemble teams to go “hunt” for them. This is fun if you have the bridal shower at a resort or neighborhood where you can cleverly hide the items.
- A fun easy game to play is the puzzle game. Buy (at the dollar store) enough 100 piece puzzles for every 4 guests. Put people in teams of 4 and then give each one a puzzle to complete. The first team that completes their puzzle wins!
- Write down everything the bride to be says as she opens her gifts, then read it back as what she will say on her wedding night. This has always resulted in great laughs.